
Digital Exhibition – Holding Immersive and Interactive Events

The technology has been changing rapidly and new ways of interaction with audience and sharing information keep emerging. Virtual reality has taken off in recent years as an immersive way to experience different worlds. This blog post will discuss how the technology and events management platforms can be used for events and how it is becoming more accessible for schools, museums, galleries, and other organizations that want to hold interactive events. 

Benefits of Online Events

The world is becoming increasingly digital and it is important to stay up to date with trends. It is a good idea to host an event online since digital events are:

  • Immersive – Virtual reality allows people to be more engaged in a story or idea because they can walk around a scene instead of just seeing it on a screen. This level of engagement helps the audience understand and remember what they learn, share their experience more easily. 
  • Accessible – Not everyone can travel or attend an event physically due to many different circumstances such as time, money, travel restrictions, but technology makes it easier for anyone to join regardless of location. Online events are also cheaper to hold because you don’t have to pay for things like travel, venue, or catering.
  • Interactive – Digital events give the audience an opportunity to interact with the presented content. The audience can ask questions and participate in polls in the way similar to how they would do had they been present physically. 

VR is not new but it has recently become more accessible due to market penetration, and companies are making the technology more affordable, and the use of VR does not cost as much money nowadays.

Challenges In Holding Events Digitally


The primary downside is that not everyone likes to interact this way. Some people may not like the idea of watching a story unfold on a screen instead of being present in-person. So while virtual events are easy to access, some people may be reluctant to do so. 

The other factor is that the audience can be easily distracted from watching the event by an incoming email they see pop up, or a phone call. Having to split their attention, people may even stop watching and participating altogether, and your message won’t get through to them.

Another downside to VR is that there are still not many VR headsets around. Even though the technology has become more affordable, military headset that are available aren’t cheap and not everyone can afford or wants to buy them.


Digital exhibitions present a new way of constructing immersive events and we will see more ways of virtual interactivity appear in the future as well as advances in VR/AR devices. While there are some challenges involved with hosting events digitally (distractions, cost), online exhibitions give the audience access to event regardless of the physical location. It also encourages the attendees to engage more actively during the presentation. Digital technology means anyone can be anywhere, and that changes everything about how we share stories and experiences. Digital events are a truly global phenomenon with an unlimited reach.

Christopher Campisi