Lerry Loisa

Web Application

Step-by-Step Approach to Effective Web Application Penetration Testing

Cybersecurity, after all, is a discipline that relies heavily upon discovering vulnerabilities. Conducting a good penetration test requires a process that guarantees the detection of as many vulnerabilities as possible. The following information presents a step-by-step process for executing an...


Why privatenoter is the messaging app of the future?

Privatenoter enhances privacy by introducing a self-destructing messages feature. This feature lets you set a timer for your messages to automatically delete after a specified period, ranging from a few seconds to a week. It helps share sensitive information, like...


How to protect note-taking apps with passwords?

Note-taking apps have become immensely popular, allowing us to quickly jot down thoughts, ideas, to-do lists, and more. However, with convenience comes risk. Personal notes often contain sensitive information, which makes security and privacy important considerations when choosing a note-taking...


Verifying an Email Address

Email verification is an essential part of efficient email advertising. It is the procedure of determining whether a contact's email address is valid and delivered. An email database is worthless if it contains invalid, fraudulent, inactive, or other lost email...


Comparing an IoT platform with an IoT solution

The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming the way businesses operate in every industry. IoT technologies are becoming increasingly popular, and IoT solutions and IoT platforms are the two main types of IoT technologies. However, many businesses struggle to understand...


Why Should You Choose Enterprise Printers For Your Office?

Your office printer is an essential tool for daily operations, but choosing the right one for your business needs is vital. Enterprise printers are specifically designed to meet the demands of larger organizations, delivering exceptional performance and reliability. Enterprise printers...

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